Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Evita Diamonds is committed to your privacy and the security of the information you provide to us during your visit to our site. We encourage you to review our policies below which are designed to ensure your privacy and comfort while visiting our website and to keep yourself informed of any changes.


We highly value our customers and their privacy. Our privacy policy is to respect and protect the privacy of our customers. Your personal information is safe with us. All personal information collected on this site is kept strictly confidential and not sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned. Your personal information is used exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling your order and making your buying experience a success.


We respect the privacy rights of our online visitors and also recognize the importance of protecting the information collected about you. We provide this statement to help you understand what we may do with any personal information obtained from you.


This Privacy Policy guides how we collect, store and use the information that you provide us with. By providing your personal information to us, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and agree that we may collect and use your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into, and part of, the Terms and Conditions, which govern, in general, your use of the website maintained and operated by Evita Diamonds


We will use your information only for the purposes set out above. Although we are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust in all of our activities with you, this Privacy Policy does not govern our collection or use of data about you through channels other than the site. Please exit the site if you do not accept this Privacy Policy or are accessing the Site in a country or other territory where use of the site is not permitted. We may need to update this Privacy Policy from time to time. It is recommended that you regularly check this page to ensure that you have read the most recent version.